Cyber Security Health Report
Revised: 23 Oct 2015 by ITSO
To ensure a healthy level of cyber security is maintained at all units of the University, regular monitor of the cyber security position of each unit is necessary. The results of such monitor are captured in the Cyber Security Health Report and sent to the management of the respective unit on a regular basis so as to ensure that weaknesses, if any, can be addressed promptly with adequate management support.
The ingredients of the Cyber Security Health Report are selected to reflect the current best practices in cyber security. Currently, they include findings pertaining to:
- Accuracy of the critical IT resources record with reference to automated scan
- Completeness and accuracy of crucial information (e.g. user, location, etc.) in the critical IT resources record
- Compliance to Minimum Security Standard with reference to automated scan
- Frequency and severity of cyber security incidents
- Responsiveness in cyber security incident handling
- Assessment by IT Security Officer on unit-wide user awareness of cyber security issues and best practices
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