Software available in Virtual Barn

Virtual Barn Software Pools

Pools are virtual desktops built with the same configuration. Select the appropriate pool for the software you need to use. All pools contain the software listed in the general software section.

To enhance resource allocation efficiency, we have integrated the Programming Pool into the Academic Pool. As a result, please locate the program development software in the Academic Software Pool.


  Software Version
General software for all pool


7-Zip 23.00
Acrobat Reader + Asian Language font DC
FileZilla Client 3.63.2
Google Chrome  
HKUST Card Management Shortcuts


HKUST Card Setup Bundle 2.0.26
Java 8 JRE (32-bit) 8.0.421
Java 8 JRE (64-bit) 8.0.421
Joint Institution Job Information System (JIJIS) Shortcut

Microsoft Office 365 (64-bit)

Mozilla Firefox  
Papercut Client
Putty 0.78
VideoLan VLC Player 3.0.16
1. Academic software ACL for Windows 17
Aspen v14 CP1
FoxitPDF Editor 13.1.3
GABI 9.2.168
GAMS 24.7.4
GIMP 2.10.34
GSEA 4.3.2
MikTex 23.4
Packet Tracer (64-bit) 8.2.1
PIS 2.9.154
R for Windows 4.4.2
R Studio 2024.12.0-467
SAS 9.4 M9
SPSS v29.0.2
Stata Network Version 18.5SE
TAC Software 4.0.3
TeXnicCenter 2.02 Stable
GPU Enhanced
ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1
Mathematica (Wolfram) 14.1
MatLab R2024b
Python 3.11.3
Visual Molecular Dynamic 1.9.4
Solidworks 2024 SP0.1
Rockwell Arena 16.1
Program development software  
Anaconda 2024.06-1
BlueJ+ 5.2.0
Eclipse ide for Java Developers 2023-06R
Greenfoot 3.7.1

Java 8 SDK (64-bit)

Java SE Development Kit 15.x  
Java SE Development Kit 16.x  
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 community 2022
Microsoft Visual Studio Code  
Python 3.11.3
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2023.1.4
Open LCA 20.0.0
2. 3D and AI software Anaconda 2023.07-1
Ansys 2024R1.03
CADLink 2018 (Cymap) 2018 SP1
CUDA 11.4
Jupyter Notebook 7.0.0
MatLab R2024a
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 community 2022
Solidworks 2024 SP0.1
Tensorflow 2.13.0
TensorRT -
Blender 3.6.1
Unreal Engine 5.2.1
Vivado Desgin Suite HLx Edition 2021.1