HPC3 cluster is designed to cater for for CPU-intensive computational jobs and jobs requiring GPU coprocessor support. It is open to all approved university researchers but all HPC3 hardware contributors have higher access priority.
Account Application
User has to apply for an account to access the HPC3 Cluster. All applications must be sponsored by a principal investigator (PI), a faculty of the university. The PI needs to apply for an account too if he/she would like to access the cluster. The HPC3 cluster user account name will be the same as the HKUST account with the same password.
HPC3 Cluster Account Application
Software Installation
In general, users can install software in their own home directory or in the group share directory. Please note that users are responsible for the licenses and copyright of the software they install in the cluster. Users should also adhere to ITSO’s Acceptable Use Policy.
If you have questions for the cluster, please email to hpcadmin@ust.hk .