This service is provided to eligible long-serving retirees/leavers (as informed / approved by the Human Resources Office) who wish to own a lifelong email address connected to HKUST. Approved retirees/leavers will need to apply for their Email Address (i.e. in the format of before their staff account (i.e. is terminated. An Office 365 account with webemail under domain will be created for these Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers.
Please read the Use Policy before proceeding to choose an email address for application.
Choose an Email Address for Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers
Email address for Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers will take the following format:
Here, “xxxxx” has a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters and can be anything that reasonably identifies you to others, subject to a set of syntactic rules as well as the first-come-first-served principle in case of name clashes.
How to Apply
HKUST Long-Serving Retiree / Leavers will enjoy free email service upon approved by HRO. If your HKUST account is still valid, please use the link below to apply:
Apply for Long-Serving Retiree / Leavers mailbox
In case your HKUST account has already expired and you are eligible to apply, please fill in the Email Address for Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers form and email to