Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers Account

This service is provided to eligible long-serving retirees/leavers (as informed / approved by the Human Resources Office) who wish to own a lifelong email address connected to HKUST.  Approved retirees/leavers will need to apply for their Email Address (i.e. in the format of name.surname@family.ust.hk) before their staff account (i.e. username@ust.hk) is terminated. An Office 365 account with webemail under @family.ust.hk domain will be created for these Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers.

Please read the Use Policy before proceeding to choose an email address for application.

Available To
Long-serving retirees/leavers (as approved by the Human Resources Office)
Service Fee


Service Hours


Getting Started
Choose an Email Address for Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers

Email address for Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers will take the following format:


Here, “xxxxx” has a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters and can be anything that reasonably identifies you to others, subject to a set of syntactic rules as well as the first-come-first-served principle in case of name clashes.

How to Apply

HKUST Long-Serving Retiree / Leavers will enjoy free email service upon approved by HRO. If your HKUST account is still valid, please use the link below to apply:

Apply for Long-Serving Retiree / Leavers mailbox

In case your HKUST account has already expired and you are eligible to apply, please fill in the Email Address for Long-Serving Retirees / Leavers form and email to cchelp@ust.hk.