Staff Family Account is provided to University Staff's eligible family members as registered with the Human Resources Office (HRO). This service provides an email account (hosted in Microsoft Office 365) with the email address "<name>.<surname>". This account may also, in the future, be used to access services available to staff family members, e.g. to receive related communication of campus events.
Account Application
Applications must be submitted by the staff member for his/her family members. Once the application is submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to the staff member submitted the application. When the account is ready, the account details and password will be sent by email to the staff member.
Application Guidelines:
- The chosen Staff Family Account name must not conflict with any existing account name or special words reserved by ITSO. ITSO reserves the right to make the final decision on the account name allocated.
- Staff members may apply only ONE family account for each eligible family member.
- Once the account is created, you will not be allowed to change the account name. Please choose carefully before submitting the application.
- The account name will be in the format of: xxxxx.<Surname>
where xxxxx has a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters and reasonably identify the account holder to others. The account name is also subject to a set of syntactic rules, and be accepted on a first-come-first-served principle in case of name clashes.
Account Termination
Staff Family Accounts will be terminated when the staff member (the applicant) leaves the University. In general, a grace period of two weeks will be provided for mail backup purpose. An email notification will be sent to the staff member with the account expiry date. Account holders are urged to backup files they would like to retain or transfer them to other valid user accounts before termination of access. After the grace period, the account will be backed up and retained for up to 6 months. On the other hand, system logs pertaining to the account will be kept for up to 7 years depending on our available capacity. After the aforesaid period, the said data will be deleted.
Migrate to Office 365