Student Residential Network (ResNet) Policy

Do’s and Don’ts

ResNet facilitates students’ normal academic activities at the University. We expect users to follow the behavior rules below:

  • Ensure that your machine is properly configured so that you don’t cause inconvenience to other network users
  • Obtain the appropriate software licenses for your machine as operating systems are not provided by ITSO (and using pirated software is an offense in Hong Kong)
  • Act responsibly in maintaining network security, especially with multi-user systems such as Linux, Windows 10 and macOS
  • Experiment or test network hardware/software
  • Create excessive network traffic and/or broadcast
  • Use network addresses other than those provided by ITSO
  • Set up wireless access points which interfere with Wireless ResNet
  • Create accounts for users other than yourself
  • Provide any services to non-University members
  • Allow network access from any machines outside HKUST

You should also adhere to ITSO’s Acceptable Use Policy.

In emergencies, hall managers are authorized to allow ITSO engineers to access rooms for network maintenance without prior notice to users.

Disciplinary Action

If you infringe any of the above rules, you may face one or more of the followings:

  • Immediate termination of your subscription
  • Suspension of your HKUST account and other ITSO Internet resources

The ITSO Director reserves the right to determine the severity of the infringement.