Refreshable Mailing Lists

Refreshable mailing lists are intended for units to reach out to their internal target audience groups and disseminate useful information updates or announcement in a timely and effective manner


Refreshable mailing lists are system-generated and may be created with all staff, all PG students and all UG students. These lists will regularly and automatically refreshed upon new students and new staff coming on board.

Refreshable mailing lists should be created for Schools/Departments/Offices/Units level communications, e.g. departmental news and updates; instead of event specific such as event announcements and promotions. An opt-out option must be provided for recipients to "unsubscribe" from the list should they find they are not interested in the information.

To find out and manage the list of the Refreshable mailing lists you have been subscribed to, please sign in the Refreshable Mailing Lists Settings with your HKUST Account. Through this, you may conveniently unsubscribe or re-subscribe to the Refreshable mailing lists you're eligible to, as well as knowing what information or news you'll miss when you choose to unsubscribe from a particular Refreshable mailing list.

Getting Started

To view or manage Refreshable mailing lists you're subscribed to:

Refreshable Mailing Lists Settings