Computer Barns

ITSO runs four computer laboratories in different parts of the campus for members of the University community:

  • Computer Barn C: Room 4578 (Lift 27-28)
    Equipped with PCs, printers and scanners for both teaching and individual use
  • Virtual Barn: Apart from going to the above computer barns, you can also access computer barn software and satellite printers anywhere anytime by connecting to virtual barn desktops from your own notebook/tablet and mobile phone
Available To
Service Fee


Service Hours

Please do not use computer barn if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms

Users of the computer barns must:

  • not eat or drink


Starts from Sep 1, 2021,  ITSO Computer Barns Opening Hours will be as follow :


Computer Barn A (Terry and Terence Tsang Computational Laboratory, Rms 4402-4404) and Computer Barn C Teaching Area (Rms 4578)

Monday – Friday 8:15am - 10:15pm 
Saturday 8:15am - 4:15pm 
Sunday & Public Holidays Closed



Computer Barn B ( Tang Shiu Kin Computational Laboratory, Rm 1101)

Monday – Friday 8:15am - 0:45am
Saturday – Sunday  8:15am - 0:45am
Public Holidays Closed



Special arrangements apply on public holidays or when Typhoon Signal No.8 and Black Rainstorm warnings are in force.