ITSO supports a range of useful tools to continually develop the education experience at HKUST. Key systems are highlighted below:
Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ)
The student feedback system provides an effective, user-friendly, custom-made online survey tool for collecting data at the end of a course to help to improve future programs and course delivery. The system supports major web browsers and iOS and Android devices. More information is available at
Peer Evaluation System (iPeer)
This peer-to-peer student evaluation system provides a useful platform for teaching staff to design and conduct evaluation on group projects and encourage students to participate in groupwork. It was adapted from an open-source system. Teaching staff can develop four different types of surveys: point distribution, rubrics, rating scales and commendation. Enrollment records are retrievable from the student records system and evaluation results available in an Excel file. The Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching offers regular workshops on iPeer. Visit for more information.
Learning Management System (Canvas)
Canvas is a cloud based learning management system. The system makes it more straightforward for teaching staff to communicate with students, disseminate information and conduct out-of-class activities. The Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching provides regular workshops on Canvas. For more details on the system, visit