Protecting the privacy of your HKUST Account is critical for both your personal life and your life at HKUST. Your account gives you access to authorized information on the HKUST network, so it should be private and protected.
Beware of Email Phishing
From time to time, you may receive messages that appear to come from “HKUST” or “ITSO” and ask for your username and password, or ask you to click on a link. These are fake messages and the link may be malicious. ITSO will never ask you for such information by email, phone or in person. No member of staff will ask for your password either. Never disclose your password to any third party.
If you do receive emails asking for sensitive account or personal information, don’t disclose these details. Report the message to ITSO immediately. For more information, visit Email Phishing and Social Engineering Attack
Keep Your ITSO Network Password Private
Never disclose your passwords to any third parties and do not save your password on shared computers.
Use a Secure Password
Select a secure password and change your HKUST Account Password periodically.