Staff Account (Clear Water Bay Campus)

Staff members of the University (Clear Water Bay campus) with a valid staff ID card issued by the Human Resources Office are eligible to apply for a staff computer account for accessing emails and other network services.  Each member of staff can apply for ONE Staff Account. Staff shall only use the Staff Accounts for University-related purposes.  You should apply for a Project Account for accounts for specific functions.

Available To
Service Fee


Service Hours


Getting Started
Account Application

All users are expected to observe acceptable standards of behavior in using their HKUST accounts. Please read the Acceptable Use Policy, Access to User Accounts Policy and Protect My Account carefully before activating your account.


Staff Account Application


  • Application should be submitted by an existing Staff account of department/office concerned.
  • Please also provide external email address of the new staff, for contact & account activation’s need.  Applications will normally be processed within two working days of being received.
  • Upon successful submission of application form, there will be:
    • email to the new staff’s external email address – asking user to validate correctness of the external email address
    • email to office's IDLP (and/or authorized colleagues) - for endorsement of the Staff account application (EXCEPT for application submitted by IDLP)
    • email notifying new staff on the account activation link - user can directly activate his/her HKUST account created.
Activation Guidelines:
  • The chosen account name must not conflict with any existing account name or special words reserved by ITSO.  ITSO reserves the right to make the final decision on the account name allocated.
  • Once your account is created, you will not be allowed to change your account name.  Please choose carefully before submitting your application.  The account name should be between 3-12 characters, without numerals or special characters.
  • For security reasons, you are required to change the HKUST account password before using any network services.

When your staff account is ready, you may want to visit webpage on Exchange Online for Staff and configure your email settings, e.g. change display name, set up full name email alias, etc.

Once you've received the staff card from HRO, please be reminded to proceed the staff account association with your staff record (i.e. to link your staff ID on staff card to your staff computer account),   Note that all online HKUST administrative services will require your staff ID to be linked up with your staff computer account before you can use them.

Learn More
Account Termination

Staff Accounts will be terminated when the member of staff leaves the University. In general, a grace period of 2 weeks access to non-administration systems will be provided for backup purpose. An email notification will be sent to the staff member with the account expiry date. Staff members are urged to backup files they would like to retain or transfer them to other valid user accounts before termination of access. After the grace period, the account will be backed up and retained for up to 6 months. On the other hand, system logs pertaining to the account will be kept for up to 7 years depending on our available capacity. After the aforesaid period, the said data will be deleted.

If you need to use the account for University-related purposes after departure, please fill in the form ‘Application for Staff Account Extension BEFORE the account expires.  The completed form will be directed to IDLP of your Department / Office for approval, and you will be notified by email on the application status.